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Philadelphia Phillies
"All Those Years II"
(copyright Bill Williams 1996)

Phils Coach 1950's-1960's Catcher-1927 Yankees | 
Phils Centerfielder 1948-1960 |
Growing up in Philadelphia was both a curse and a blessing for a young boy who loved baseball.
The city has been cursed with some of the worst teams of the millenium. No franchise in the history of baseball
has lost more games than the Phillies. If you combine their dismal record with the A's, who won several World
Series (but also had horrendous years), you begin to appreciate just how frustrating being a baseball fan in Philly can
be. But we were blessed with one luxury that Dodger fans and Yankee fans could only dream about. We watched
and played the sport for the love of the game. We weren't hung up on winning. We reveled in MOMENTS...not
seasons....not wins.....not results. I can remember particular plays....home runs...situations....which in the long
range scheme of things....meant nothing....but they linger in the memory regardless. The following pages are just
memories....no more....no less; an assortment of mental images, arranged in no particular order, for no particular
reason. Only that they strike a chord in my mind...and bring back childhood days long past...

Cubs, Phils, Reds Pirates 1949-1967 |  Cards, Phils, Dodgers Red Sox 1953-1961 |
How could you not love a guy named "Rip Repulski"??

Phillies, Houston 1956-1969 | 
Reds, Phils, Indians 1949-1964 |
Farrell was a solid reliever for the Phils, and Post appears on this Topps Card in
his airbrushed Phils hat and Reds uniform. Damn I loved these guys!!

Dodgers, Phils, Tigers 1956-1963 | 
Pirates, Phils, Cubs, Reds 1955-1966 |